NNAS - Proposed Objectives 2008/09
Strategies & Purpose
- Establish a closer working relationship with the foundation
- Increase the proportion of our members that are ACTIVELY involved
- Continue the drive for e-mail communications
- Effectively supplement the fee that primarily go to National
Education & Programs
- Find ways to get families & children involved
Conservation, Easements & Preserves
- Promote the Chesapeake Trail
- Fulfill easement inspection obligations
- Consider shoreline restoration
Public Relations & Communications
- Continue to expand our PR coverage geographically, to kindred organizations and alternate media (like radio)
- Substantively increase reporting on results and events that have occurred (rather than just announcements)
- Upgrade our web-site
- Complete the drive for a "common look" for all brochures and publications
Kindred Organizations
- Improve our ACTIVE liaison with kindred organizations
- Substantially increase our presence at KO functions (particularly when we are specifically invited to do so)
Revenues & Income
- Maintain existing revenue streams (membership, bird boxes, farmers' market etc)
- Successfully conclude the quilt raffle
Finance & Administration
- Rationalize our records and archives
- Conform to legal requirements
Financial Grants
- Seek out external financial grants