Native Plant Society

By Ann Messick 

On September 12, 2002 twenty-one people gathered at Wicomico Episcopal Church to organize the Northern Neck Chapter of the Virginia Native Plant Society. Since then, there have been three chapter meetings. 

A fourth meeting will take place on March 20. A video on spring wildflowers, produced by a Native Plant Society member, will be shown. A short demonstration by Anne Olson, a Master Gardner, will follow the video. Anne will show those of us who are not familiar with dividing plants how to do so and how to pot them.

In lieu of meetings during April and May, there will be several field trips. On April 10th Ellis Squires and Ann Messick will lead a walk in Hickory Hollow starting at 9:00 a.m.

 Also in April, Rebecca Wilson, Steward for the Natural Area Preserves, will lead a walk in Dameron Marsh on the 26th at 11:00 a.m. For the walks please �brown bag-it.�. Call 435-6673 to reserve a place. 

In May, Donna Ware, Director of the Herbarium at William and Mary for 30 years, will lead a walk in the area called Cabin Swamp of Hickory Hollow. The wildflowers in the Cabin Swamp are something to behold in the spring. Come see for yourself! The walk will start at 10 a.m. on Thursday, May 15th at the parking lot at Hickory Hollow. 

There will be a �bring your brown bag lunch. Regular monthly meetings resume in July. Meetings are held on the 3rd Thursday of the months of July, September, October and November. There will not be a meeting in August. Meetings start at noon, please bring your own brown bag lunch, however, the July meeting will be an evening affair, starting at 7:30 p.m.

Call Ann Messick 435-6673 to register for the walks and to get directions.