2003 Teachers on the Bay program

The Teachers on the Bay ecology course was conducted by Bill Portlock of the Chesapeake Bay Foundation July 14-19.

Teachers from the Northern Neck who received scholarships from the NNAS are Jennifer Beck and Rick Harmon of Westmoreland High School, and Doug Campbell and Laurie Selby of Northumberland High School.

Nancy Blankenship from Westmoreland High School and Lynn Smith from Lancaster High School attended on scholarships from the Garden Club of the Northern Neck.

Graduate credit was granted through Trinity College in Washington, D.C.

This summer's class spent the first two days aboard the research vessel, Baywatcher, on which they were joined by NNAS members Anne Messick, Bob and Sue Adriance, Ralph and Audrey Brainard, Bud and Joy Boiler, Evie Thorndike, and Linda Webber. Cruising on day two from Saunder's Wharf to Rappahannock Academy, the group observed 58 bald eagles, including 39 adults and 19 immature birds! This tidal stretch of the river is home to one of the largest Bald Eagle sites in the Chesapeake region.

Crossing the Bay, the class spent the next three days at the Fox Island field station exploring uninhabited islands, beaches and salt marshes by canoe. They collected and identified many creatures unique to their habitat as well as observed Royal Tern and Black Skimmer nesting colonies from the water. Returning
across the Bay on Friday, the group visited Tangier Island.

Bll Portlock reported (that) "teacher evaluations were excellent." Here are just a few of the participants' comments:, .'..new information gained was excellent..,'..learn( ed) many new personal skills and gain(ed) new methods to teach, '...(became) familiar with water quality analysis (and aware) of major pollutants/nutrients/toxics'.. , ...'(acquired) a new
knowledge of how personal decisions and actions affect the Bay and that everyone makes a difference. '

As members of the Northern Neck Audubon Society, we can be proud of our participation in such an outstanding program and grateful for Bill's outstanding instruction and leadership!

Thanks to Jim Groff

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