President's Message - Paul Servis

It doesn’t seem possible, but it is bluebird box time again. In early December Fred Witschey and Ron Feldman assembled their work crew at Albert Pollard’s workshop in White Stone and turned out the latest batch of bluebird boxes for our annual NNAS sale.

Every year Fred and Ron come up with improvements, and this year’s box is better than ever. A predator guard has been added to all of our boxes to insure the success of every clutch. We owe our thanks to Fred and Ron for all of their efforts in planning and preparation that they do for this project. They have everything all set and ready to go so the volunteer box builders can make good use of their time, and our bird boxes can be built efficiently and well.

Albert Pollard, Sr.’s shop is a great place for us to carry out our building activity. We have our lumber delivered there before the work begins, and we usually spend a week or more working on the boxes. This means that we have the use of this large shop for at least two full weeks. We have plenty of room to work, power, light and a warm dry place for our project. Our bluebird box builders appreciate Mr. Pollard’s generosity and we all need to thank him.

Fred and Ron’s bluebird box building team was made up of Bob Adriance, Jim Groff, Rea Hinch, Lance Johnsen, Lynton Land, Joe Moeller, Collin Riker, Millard Robey, Reta Stover, John Weimerscirch , Fred Wotscjeu and me. We not only had a great time working on the bluebird boxes, we also contributed substantially to the economy of White Stone and Rocket Billy’s and the River Market in particular.

The reason that many of us belong to NNAS is to participate in projects like this one. The men and women of NNAS that we meet helping on various projects have been super folks and a joy to be with. If you haven’t joined in on a NNAS project, do so soon. You will have a great time and help NNAS succeed at the same time.

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