Native Plant Society Northern Neck Chapter News

By Ann Messick,
President of the NN Chapter of the VNPS

Despite a great deal of rain in April and May only the first and last walk in Hickory Hollow had to be cancelled. Between the Northern Neck Audubon Chapter and the Northern Neck Chapter of the Virginia Native Plant Society (NN Chapter of VNPS) there were ten nature walks this spring. Over a hundred individuals participated in the walks and field trips.
There will be four more meetings of the NN Chapter of VNPS in 2003; July 17, September 18, October 16 & November 20.

All meetings of the NN Chapter of VNPS are held at Wicomico Episcopal Church in Wicomico Church, Virginia, which is located seven miles north of Kilmanock on Rt. 200. The church is on the right as you go north on Rt. 200 and parking is behind the church. Refreshments (coffee, tea, etc) are served at all meetings.

July 17th meeting at 7:30 p.m.will feature collecting insects on a screen with a light. The program will be given by a person from the VA Natural Heritage. It is the only evening meeting of the year. Please ride with someone if you do not drive at night. Remember that the sun sets late on July evenings. You will arrive in the daylight.

The following meetings are “Bring your own brown bag lunch” affairs. Arrive at 12:00 noon for lunch. The actual meeting starts at 1:00 p.m.
September 18th meeting will be on ferns and will be presented by Wesley Greene, garden historian for Colonial Williamsburg. His wife Denise gave the January talk on native perennials that she raises and sells.
October 17th the topic will be trees given by Rich Steensma, State Forester. Henry Bashore, retired State Forester, will take us on a tree walk several days after the meeting. It is not scheduled yet. Watch the local Newspapers for time and date of walk.
November 20th will be a workshop by Janis Miller, Curator of horticulture at the Virginia Living Museum in Newport News. The workshop will focus on collecting and propagating native plant seeds to sell at ‘plant sales’ in the spring. This is an important meeting. Hope you all will come.

Call Ann Messick for further information at (804)435-6673.

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