Virginia Important Bird Areas Project

You may have heard about the Important Bird Areas project from your chapter representative to the Virginia Audubon Council.

This project is sponsored by the VAC and is concerned with identifying, conserving and preserving important habitats for the birds of Virginia.

This is an opportunity for members of Audubon chapters around the state to stay tuned in to the latest issues and happenings in the field of bird conservation.

The internet provides a wonderful and inexpensive means to stay infonned of such a wealth of information about almost anything. Check out this site to stay in touch with the nationwide perspective on bird conservation.

Subscribe to the Audubon Bird Conservation Newsletter bysending an e-mail to [email protected] with the following text in the body of your e-mail:
SUBSCRIBE Bird-Conservation-New

View the archives and the most recent issues at
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And remember to check the web page for the Virginia Important Bird Areas Project to keep up with activities around our state.
Have a look at You can contact the Virginia IBA Coordinator by email at [email protected].

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