Rappahannock Wildlife Refuge Friends - First Project

Bill Swift, Project Manager for the Rappahannock Wildlife Refuge Friends is pleased to announce that the Friends have completed their first construction project, an information kiosk at the scenic Wilna Pond Outdoor Classroom and Public Fishing Area. The newly formed Rappahannock Wildlife Refuge Friends have convened monthly with the following serving as board members and officers: Judy Allen (Secretary), Ann Graziano (President), Frank Graziano (Treasurer), Connie Grimm (Vice President), Alex Long (Board Member), Lloyd Mundie (Board Member), and Bill Swift (Board Member and Project Manager).

This first short-term project for the new volunteer group was carried out by Swift and Greg Owens of the Refuge Staff. The kiosk is 12 ' x 15' and will house interpretive panels. Visitors to the refuge will be able to visit the kiosk to get general information, learn about wetland and pond habitats, and identify common wildlife sightings. Wilna Pond is open daily, sunrise to sunset, for wildlife observation and accessible fishing. The Friends group is investigating grant opportunities to help fund additional public use projects at Wilna Pond. Future plans include construction of a new Marsh trail, winding through the woods to a scenic wetland overlook; and extension of an existing trail, including a branch with a new accessible photo blind overlooking the pond.

To find out more information about the refuge, call the Rappahannock River Valley National Wildlife Refuge Headquarters at (804)333-1470 or send an email to [email protected]. Anyone interested in information on Friends group membership or in supporting the Refuge in other ways should contact Ann or Frank Graziano at (804)333-0434 or Project Manager Bill Swift at (804)493-0445.

The Rappahannock Wildlife Refuge Friends meet on the first Thursday night of each month at 7 p.m. in Tappahannock. Meeting locations are subject to change. Call the refuge at (804) 333-1470 or President Ann Graziano at (804)333-0434 to confirm meeting dates, time, and location. The group is open to anyone interested in nature, in environmental conservation, and in having fun working together on outdoor projects. The public is cordially invited to attend.







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