President's Message


During a recent trip to Austria we visited the village of Rust, near the Hungarian border.  This place is famous for its migrating storks.  I had been intrigued with these creatures as a child in Europe, but have never had the opportunity to actually observe these magnificent birds.

In Rust, nearly every house chimney has a stork’s nest and outside the village is a refuge for the few birds that choose not to make the migration back to North Africa for the winter.  The village is particularly proud of its association and really goes out of its way to promote and protect these birds.

Thought you might enjoy.

A big thank you to Martha and John Cousins who have answered our call for help with our program efforts. Their assistance with educational visuals will be most appreciated.

Thanks also to all the kind souls who turned up for our road clean-up on Route 200 early in November.  We can always do with a few more hands so be on the lookout for the next date. 

Have a happy holiday season and drop me a note sometime about the things you’d like our chapter to focus on.  ([email protected]).

And, thanks for listening.

 Peter Saam





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