President's Message

APRIL - MAY  2008


The birding hotline is running hot with reports of songbirds and new arrivals, all whilst we say goodbye to our winter friends.  It�s nice to be back in the Northern Neck.  I�d like to thank all of our directors and committee chairs who have worked so well on behalf of our members, particularly during my absence over the last three months.


It�s at this time of year, that your Nominating Committee will be actively reviewing our board appointments.  In fact, over the next few weeks, Rick Skelton, who heads that committee, will be seeking out members who might be able to help our club.  We have a fun, active board of dedicated folks, who work well together.  They all bring different skills and perspectives that allow us to manage our activities and priorities and make informed decisions in the interest of our members. 

Not all our board and committee members are experienced birders, but they all share a love for the things that we stand for and really believe that �birds are a joy to behold�.  We �delight in passing on this joy to all generations, present and future, through active educational experiences�.  Most importantly we share a common belief that �Our interest in birds and the protection and conservation of their habitat are inextricably linked � you can�t have one without the other�.  We all seek to �contribute substantially to sharing and preserving the unique natural treasure that is the Northern Neck�.

Our board usually meets on the afternoon of our regular members� meetings, once a month.   We have some folks who concentrate on our educational and program activities, others  on public relations, on conservation and preserves, on administrative and organizational things and of course our treasurer focuses on our finances and legal requirements.  It�s a highly rewarding endeavor.

The Northern Neck is exceptionally blessed with highly talented people from many walks of life.  I never cease to be amazed at the variety of backgrounds, the wealth of experience and the many accomplishments of our neighbors, often in their �past life�.  You have all �made a difference� somewhere.  If you would like to continue to make a difference, if you care about the Northern Neck, if you�d like to put some of your energy into a most worthy cause and if you�d like to have a lot of fun doing it � consider joining our board.  We�d love to have you.


And, thanks for listening,


Peter  Saam





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