Owl Boxes Open for Business

Thanks to Ron Feldman and Paul Servis, a barn owl nest box was successfully mounted on a free-standing structure in a field on the Wilna Unit of the Rappahannock River Valley National Wildlife Refuge on Thursday, November 9.

We have observed owls on the Refuge, which has excellent habitat for barn owls, but there is no longer a suitable building for nesting or for attaching a nest box. Ron and Paul brought the materials and tools and within two and a half hours, the box, complete with predator guards, was fixed in place and looking southward across the broad expanse of the 120 acre old-field.

Biologist Sandy Spencer will monitor the box and maintain the area around it to keep it free from trees and vines so that predators cannot access the box. The nesting season will begin around February, but it may take a year for a barn owl to realize what a valuable piece of real estate this is. The field in the background has been fallow for five years and is being maintained in early succession through mowing and prescribed fire. Immediately after burning, one can see numerous tunnels of voles and nest mounds of field mice, so there should be an ample prey base to support a pair of owls and young.

If the barns owls accept this box and are successful, the Refuge plans to install more boxes on freestands at other locations. You may visit the Wilna unit, see the box, and enjoy a day of birding any day from sunrise to sunset. For more information, call the Refuge at 804 333-1470.

Sandy C. Spencer

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