Hickory Hollow Good and Bad
For the bad news, as anyone who has recently hiked there knows, Hickory Hollow continues to reflect the results of unusually wet weather, and residual effects of hurricane Isobel. Downed trees and low hanging branches make for constant trail work. A section of the green trail remains closed with a marked relocation, under the weight of a tangle of tree debris and trunks. The red trail has one large downed tree and the southern section of the white trail has four large downed trees. We will be working to clear these in the near future; however, even with the downed trees, all trails are still passable.

The good news: the parking area has fresh crushed stone, thanks to arrangements made by Henry Bashore with Earth Resources. Another half load is planned. Also good news is that strategically placed signs with preserve maps have been installed. Tom Gregory is investigating a new blaze system, which will remain visible and cleaner-looking for longer.

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