Audubon Adventures
Children Learn About the Environment
By Jim Groff


Each year the NNAS provides a year’s worth, four editions, of the Audubon Adventures newspaper to area school children and membership in the Audubon Society for participating teachers.

This year a new feature, “People and Nature: Sharing the Earth,” appears in every 2002-2003 edition. Also, the Classroom Resource Manual now includes assessment questions and answer keys for each of the four featured topics, enabling teachers to accurately evaluate student learning. This is especially important in that assessment vehicles such as the SOLs increasingly drive the curriculum. Quite simply, if something can’t be measured, it probably won’t get taught.

Audubon Adventures was featured in the September 2002 edition of Learning, a highly respected professional journal for teachers and administrators and is listed as one of the premier science-oriented programs available for elementary teachers. Its features promote young citizen science and ecological stewardship at home and in the community, a key component of our chapter’s mission.

This year eighteen Northern Neck and Middle Peninsula schools, representing 76 classrooms and teachers, have availed themselves of Audubon Adventures. Our goal is to increase this number. So spread the word as you go about the community, particularly if you have a ‘school connection.’

Copies of Audubon Adventures are available for your perusal. See what a valuable learning tool NNAS money provides! Call Jim Groff at 453-5891 for your copy today.




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