California Fires Affect Bluebird Nesting Box Building


As they have done for many years, members of the Northern Neck Audubon Society (NNAS) gathered to build bluebird nesting boxes in early December.  The group of skilled and unskilled workers -- 13 men and 5 women -- used power saws, drills, and hammers to complete about 380 boxes.  We again owe a great deal of thanks to Albert Pollard for the use of his workshop in this endeavor.

The plans were to build 1,000 boxes for the coming bluebird nesting season which begins in March, but the group was unable to get enough red cedar due to the wildfires and mudslides in California.  If all goes as planned, the rest of the needed wood should arrive in mid-January and the remainder of the boxes can be completed shortly thereafter.

The boxes will be on sale at local stores.  If you already have boxes you may consider adding one or two additional.  Remember, boxes should be mounted or old boxes cleaned out by the end of February or early March. The male birds will return about then looking for good spots. They will start nesting probably in late March. By getting an early start and cleaning out the old nests as soon as the birds have fledged, a box may get three sets of birds.

NNAS welcomes volunteers of any age � from ten to 100 -- to help build the boxes.  Woodworking skills are not required.  If you would like to participate in the next round of box-building, call Ron Feldman at 580-8987 or Fred Witschey at 453-9090.  There�s a job for everyone, and it�s lots of fun. 





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