Backyard Bird Count


Did you know that area residents can help keep track of bird species population by participating in the GREAT BACKYARD BIRD Count February 16-19?  Everyone is invited.  It�s easy and enjoyable.  Birds serve as an ecological �marker� and thus help scientists determine the overall health of our environment.  The data collected will help scientists analyze bird populations by tracking which species are increasing or declining. 

Q:  Do I need to be an expert to participate?             A:  No.  Most of us aren�t experts.  Simply state that there were birds present that you did not identify. 

Q:  Do I need to live on the water?              A:  No.  It is important that birds be counted in a variety of habitats.  Some good areas include Belle Isle State Park, Hickory Hollow, Dameron Marsh, Beaverdam Park, Holly Point Nature Park, Bethel Beach Natural Area Preserve, and of course your own backyard. 

Q:  I�ll be traveling during February 16-19.  May I still participate?               A:  Yes.  You may count birds wherever you are.  Simply find the zip code for your location. 

Q:  What if I can�t participate all four days?         A:  You may submit totals for one, two, three, or all four days, depending on your schedule.  All it takes is one half hour per day. 

Q:  Is it hard to keep track of species numbers?       A:  Not really.  Simply note the highest number of a particular species you see at any one time during the half hour.  If you see 20 robins under your feeder and then, 10 minutes later you see 22 robins.  Your tally would be 22 robins. 

Q:  How do I get started?      A:  Log onto and download a printed tally sheet.  Also, go to for a list of birds that are in our area during the winter.  Or simply keep a tally of numbers of birds, species, type of habitat, and zip code where you counted  the birds and mail your tallies to GBBC, Audubon Science, 545 Almshouse Road, Ivyland, PA 18974. 

For questions or additional information, contact Tom Teeples at 804-435-0636. 




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