Are You A Member of VSO?

Tom Teeples


The Virginia Society of Ornithology (VSO) exists to encourage the systematic study of birds in Virginia, to stimulate interest in birds, and to assist the conservation of wildlife and other natural resources. All persons interested in those objectives are welcome as members. Present membership includes every level of interest, from professional scientific ornithologists to enthusiastic amateurs. Local members include: Ruth Hamilton, Les Inskeep, Ann Messick, BJ & Tom Norris, Joyce Fitchett Russell, Carro & Taylor Seay, and Tom & Paula Teeples.

Activities undertaken by the Society include the following:

�An annual meeting (usually in the spring) held in a different part of the state each year, featuring talks on ornithological subjects and field trips to nearby areas.

�Other forays or field trips lasting a day or more and scheduled throughout the year so as to include all seasons and to cover the major physiographic regions of the state.

�A journal, The Raven, published twice yearly, containing articles about Virginia ornithology, as well as news of the activities of the Society and its chapters.

�A newsletter, published quarterly, containing current news items of interest to members and information about upcoming events and pertinent conservation issues.

�Virginia Birds, a new quarterly publication that documents bird sightings throughout the state.

�Study projects (nesting studies, winter bird population surveys, etc.) aimed at making genuine contributions to ornithological knowledge.

If you have questions about VSO or want a membership application, call Tom Teeples at 804-435-0636. Or visit the VSO website at






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