NNAS Benefits School Children
The Northern Neck Audubon Society of Virginia has again underwritten the entire cost of providing the National Audubon Society’s acclaimed newspaper Audubon Adventures to school children across the Northern Neck and Middle Peninsula. Four editions will be published during the course of the year, each highlighting various aspects of wildlife, plantlife, and land conservation. This year, Audubon Adventures will explore “Sharing the Earth,” “Butterflies,” “Birds of Prey,” and “The Secret World of Plants.”

According to Jim Groff, Education Chair for the local Audubon affiliate, 67 teachers in 18 schools representing 97 classrooms will be reached through the Audubon Adventures project. “Audubon Adventures is one of our biggest and most important programs, both in the number of people it reaches and in its dollar outlay. We are now in our ninth year of underwriting the scholastic Audubon newspaper and feel it is an excellent way to reach those who will be making decisions in the future while they are still in their formative years.”

Participating teachers receive a one year free membership in the local and national Audubon organizations and also get a one year subscription to Audubon magazine. Children will begin receiving their newspapers in November.

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